Processing your complaint

This happens after you submit your complaint:

  • The complaint is received
  • The complaint is immediately allocated to a case officer who reviews the complaint and makes an assessment of whether the Ombud can consider it.
  • You will receive a preliminary answer within three weeks. If we can consider your case, we will inform you about when you can expect to receive a more detailed answer from us.
  • We will investigate the case further and, if required, raise the matter with the public administration.
  • The investigation will continue, and, as the complainant, you will have an opportunity to make a statement.
  • Finally, the Ombud will give her opinion on the matter.

Case processing times varies according to the investigations required, but you will be kept continuously up to date throughout the complaint process. Because the Ombud always obtains all documents in the case from the public administration in the cases it investigates, it will often take some time to arrive at a final decision. You can request access to information about your case. Such requests are normally considered within 1–3 working days.

What can the Parliamentary Ombud do?

If the nature of the case so indicates, the Ombud can:

  • Point out that an administrative body or civil servant has committed an error, and state that a decision is invalid, unreasonable or in violation of good administrative practice.
  • Make the public administration aware of shortcomings in acts and regulations and how they are practised.
  • Investigate how the public administration processes cases and exercises its authority.
  • Ask the administrative body to correct errors or reconsider the case.

In cases that are investigated, the Parliamentary Ombud will express his opinion on the matter in the form of a statement. The Parliamentary Ombud cannot reverse decisions or order the authorities to do anything, but the authorities will usually comply with the Ombud’s statements.


Animert illustrasjon: 1Fingrer skriver på tastatur, 2:Norges lover, 3:Et dokument med stempelet "Vedtak"