In October 2021, the Parliamentary Ombud’s National Preventive Mechanism visited adults with developmental disabilities living in the Municipality of Hamar receiving an around the clock service. Five people lived in a group home of varying sizes. One person lived in an independent department.
The subjects of the Parliamentary Ombud visit were selected following a review of the Municipality’s administrative decisions on the use of force for seventeen people.
People with developmental disabilities who reside in a group home have the same basic rights, as other people. They have the right to make decisions and maintain control over their own lives. Insofar as possible, the services offered at a group home are to be established in collaboration with the individual residents. Norwegian law does not have a special provision for the confinement of people with a development disability, but even so, in practice they may be subjected to extensive limitations. Many are also dependent on their living arrangements being facilitated to be able to live an unconfined and a good quality life. As such, persons with developmental disabilities are vulnerable to having their basic rights violated.