Visits and reports

Under its prevention mandate, the Parliamentary Ombud visits places where someone is, or could be, deprived of their liberty. The visits focus on uncovering risk factors for inhuman or degrading treatment.

Following each visit, a visit report is written that describes the findings and any risk factors identified during the visit. On the basis of these findings and risk factors, the Parliamentary Ombud issues recommendations to the institution in question about what changes can be made in order to better safeguard the people who have been deprived of their liberty.

All reports from visits are public and are published on this page on a continuous basis. The institutions that have been visited are asked to inform the Parliamentary Ombud about how they have followed up the recommendations within a few months. This follow-up information is also published.

All visits and reports are listed on this page (in Norwegian).

The summaries and recommendations of all reports, as well as some full reports, are translated into English. See below.

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