Visits to places of detention

Prior to visits

Each visit starts by obtaining information from a number of sources. This includes obtaining information from the institution, from the supervisory authorities and other relevant parties. The NPM also has right of access to all necessary information that is relevant to the conditions for people deprived of their liberty.

During visits

During the NPM’s visits, the main focus is always on conducting private interviews with the persons who have been deprived of their liberty. The interviews are important in order to obtain information about how the people detained perceive their own situation and the institution where they are placed. Interviews are also conducted with members of staff and the administration and with other relevant parties such as health personnel, trade union representatives, experience consultants etc. In addition, an inspection of the institution is carried out, and documents are reviewed and analysed. It is important to obtain information from several sources using different methods. Interpreters are used as required.

Forebyggingsenheten på besøk i Kongsvinger fengsel
Visiting Kongsvinger prison in August 2015.

After visits

Each visit is summarised in a report that describes the findings and risk factors identified during the visit. The report also contains the Parliamentary Ombud’s recommendations in order to reduce the risk of people deprived of their liberty being subjected to torture and ill treatment.

The places visited by the NPM are given a deadline for informing the Parliamentary Ombud about their follow-up of the recommendations. The Norwegian authorities are also obliged to consider the recommendations and initiate dialogue on possible implementation measures. Following up visits and recommendations is a very important part of the preventive work.

The Ombudsman's visits.
The Ombudsman’s visits.